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Seacole House, Redruth

A keyworker accommodation of 6 zero operational carbon homes.


ZED PODS in partnership with the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has applied for planning permission to build a three-storey block of six flats on a site in Redruth which would be accommodation for keyworkers. The plans are to build six ZED PODS on the site of a car parking area next to Tolvean House in Redruth. These flats would be made available to NHS staff to use.

Project Information

Client: Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Location: Park Tolvean, Redruth TR15 2FY

Building Solution: Permanent

Scope of works: Full Turnkey Service (RIBA Stage 0 – 7)

Status: Near Completion

Project Team

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust_Logo_A4_CMYK_Left Aligned-01.png

Development Proposal

Building affordable & energy-efficient homes with Full Turnkey Development Contract


The proposed development features a three storey block of 6 residential units in semi-detached arrangement designed to provide key worker housing. The units are served by two external staircases to provide improved egress from a potential fire. The staircase to the south will be the location of integrated parcel boxes for mail deliveries. On ground there will be a main communal area leading to the enclosed cycle store and another providing a grass area for recreation. A communal refuse store will be provided within 10m of Park Tolvean road for collection.

All of the units would have two bedrooms each providing living accommodation for two people. Each bedroom has space for someone to study while the units have a shared open plan living, kitchen and dining areas and a bathroom. The roof of the building would also be fitted with solar panels to generate electricity.

Set-Backs and Key Distances

The proposed massing has been set back from the road by 9.5m creating a frontage and car parking area that continues along Park Tolvean Road from the adjacent flat block.

Transport Strategy

The scheme has been designed to promote the use of walking and cycling with the provision of 12 secure cycle spaces (one per  resident) and segregated pedestrian walkways that adjoin the current footpath going towards town. Four parking bays are however created along Park Tolvean Road for essential journeys.


The proposed development has been situated so the footprint of the building lies outside the exclusion zone preserving the adjacent trees. In place of the overgrown areas new zones for dense planting will be created to provide woodland habitat.

Strategic Views

Views of the proposal have been framed so that bedrooms look out towards the East and West avoiding overlooking of neighbours. The living room spaces are offset from the position of the adjacent blocks dining windows as to avoid privacy concerns and the staircases are proposed to be screen in areas that would face this area. Windows have been designed with an obscure lower panel to further protect the privacy of occupants.


Project Timeline

Near Completion

Project Brief approved by the Council 

Undertook Feasibility Studies

Agree on Project Budget

Prepare Project Programme


 Building Regulations Application

 Construction Phase Plan


Building handed over to the Council


Residents move in


Develop Business Case

Review Project Risks

Review Project Budget

Undertook Site Appraisals


Construction off-site to minimise disruption and site installation


Architectural Concept approved by the Council and aligned to the Project Brief

Obtain pre-application Planning Advice

Initial Cost Plan


Planning application submitted

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