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ZED Pods Solutions — Rough Sleeper Accommodation

The UK Government has allocated more than £150 million yesterday to fund the delivery of 3,300 homes for rough sleepers. However, these permanent homes need to be built & completed within next 5 months (deadline: 31st March 2021).

ZED Pods is an award-winning provider of 100% affordable, zero-carbon modular development on a full turnkey package. Our units come with BOPAS assurance, structural warranty and they exceed building safety requirements with special considerations from fire, quality, noise, air quality and utilities. Fully structurally engineered system & foundations, CDM, efficient built process & installation with minimal onsite disruption.

We have a demonstrable track record — for example, we built 10 self-contained (1B 1P) zero-carbon, permanent keyworker accommodation within 13 weeks (from contract to completion) during previous lockdown (early 2020). Presently, we are just completed 11 units (100% social) for Bristol Council, which will be followed by a 25 unit scheme for Bromley Council — both schemes will be built above car parks retaining over 90% of the parking bays.


Our turnkey solution can be easily procured using an OJEU-compliant procurement framework (LHC NH2) within days. Clients like Bristol council, Bromley Council have already used this framework for calling-off direct-award to us for a full turnkey solution.


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