Duffield Place
Supported Housing Scheme
In collaboration with Sheffield City Council, ZED PODS has designed and manufactured a row of six self-contained residential homes designed for single occupants. Situated off Fraser Road, these single-story dwellings are constructed using ZED PODS' acclaimed low-energy modular build system, with fully fitted volumetric modules built offsite.
This project, an integral part of the Council's Stock Increase Programme, provides six move-on homes, facilitating individuals' transition to fully independent living within a timeframe of 2 to 3 years. Notably, the development has received the prestigious Secured by Design Gold Award. More information can be found here.
Client: Sheffield City Council
Location: 1-6 Duffield Place, Woodseats, S8 0DS
Building Solution: Permanent
Scope of works: Full Turnkey Service (RIBA Stage 0 – 7)
Status: Under Construction
Project Team

Funding Supports

With funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Sustainability Overview
Est. Carbon Savings*: 4.1 tonnes / year
Est. Water Savings*: 53,845 litres / year
* Carbon savings calculated using SAP calculated Dwelling emission rates (DER) against the building regulations Part-L Target Emissions Rates (TER); ** Baseline water consumption based on England Compliance of 125L/person/day
Full Turnkey

As a turnkey modular provider with inhouse architectural design and project management expertise to manage the entire design and build process. The project will see the regeneration of a cleared former garage site in Council ownership, delivering a single storey terrace of six homes.
The site is unlikely to be suitable or viable for the development of traditionally constructed Council homes due to its size and topography, as such MMC/ OSC was the preferred solution from the outset. ZED PODS specialise in bringing forward development on constrained sites that are tricky to build. Our innovative off-site volumetric construction makes these kinds of sites viable.
The Changing Futures Programme
The Council is participating in the national Changing Futures Programme (see more here) - this aims to improve outcomes for adults experiencing multiple disadvantage. From the initial stages of this project, the Council have involved people with lived experience of Temporary Accommodation and housing support services in the co-design/ co-development of all elements of this project.
The Proposal
The site is characterised by it’s sloping topography, falling downwards perpendicular to Fraser Road, with the development site sitting at a lower level from it’s access point. This makes the scheme more visually prominent from lower levels but masked by tree cover from Fraser Road.
Development on the brownfield part of the site enables the retention of the adjacent informal green space to the north, with minimal disruption to local biodiversity. Additional tree planting and enhancements to a nearby park will also be provided

Delivering Sheffield’s first dedicated move-on homes
In common with national trends, Sheffield has recorded a significant increase in the number of rough sleeper placements to temporary accommodation. The Council has identified a significant shortfall of ‘move on’ provision (which provides a genuine home with access to individual support) - current estimates are that Sheffield needs around 50 units of one-bed move-on accommodation. Without dedicated ‘move on’ accommodation, people are typically placed in alternative provision which does not deliver the housing or dedicated support required to enable positive outcomes.
This project will deliver six move-on homes as part of the Council’s Stock Increase Programme, enabling individuals to successful move-on to a fully independent home within 2 to 3 years. The project is supported with funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Sheffield City Council has an ambition to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2030.
This project will deliver the city’s first ‘net zero in operation’ Council homes – reducing running costs for tenants and supporting its ‘net zero’ ambitions.
Duffield Place consist of 6 self-contained single person residential homes built offsite from fully fitted volumetric modules using ZED PODS award winning low energy modular construction system. The ZED PODS system represents high performance fabric first approach that has evolved through years of research and development to deliver superior energy efficiency resulting in low running costs for building managers and occupants.
The homes are designed with a ‘fabric-first’ approach - walls, ceilings, windows, doors and roofs are super-insulated, achieving high levels of air tightness. The homes are all electric (no gas), fitted with heat pumps and rooftop mounted solar photovoltaic panels. This approach will ensure that 100% of carbon emissions are offset making the scheme Net Zero Operational Carbon.
The energy and environmental performance of the buildings exceed current building regulations. All Homes will be SAP A 100+ rated (‘As built’ calculations and Energy Performance Certificates).
Project Timeline
Under Construction
Estimated Completion: Summer 2024
Project Brief approved by the Council
Undertook Feasibility Studies
Agree on Project Budget
Prepare Project Programme


Building Regulations Application
Construction Phase Plan


Building handed over to the Council


Residents move in


Develop Business Case
Review Project Risks
Review Project Budget
Undertook Site Appraisals


Construction off-site to minimise disruption and site installation


Architectural Concept approved by the Council and aligned to the Project Brief
Obtain pre-application Planning Advice
Initial Cost Plan


Planning application submitted
